* = graduate student or research associate/post-doc
Adhikari S, Joshi O, Sorice MG, and Fuhlendorf SD. 2024. Understanding behavioral intention of landowners to promote wildlife richness and biodiversity in the Southern Great Plains. Journal of Environmental Management 349: 119607.
Castello L, Martins EG, Sorice MG, et al. 2024. Local knowledge reconstructs historical resource use. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 22: e2726.
Freeman JW and Sorice MG. 2024. Exploring drivers of success in partnerships that support federal trail management in the United States. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 1–21.
Adhikari, S., O. Joshi, M.G. Sorice, and S. Fuhlendorf. 2023. Factors affecting the adoption of patch-burn grazing in the southern Great Plains in the US. Land Use Policy 125:106458. link
Rajala, K., Toledo, D. and Sorice, M.G., 2023. Trojan Horse on the Great Plains: Landowner Thresholds, Coping Capacity, and Management of Kentucky Bluegrass. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 91, pp.11-23. link
Sorice, M.G., K. Rajala*, B.L. Brown, V.A. Masterson, S.D. Fuhlendorf. 2023. Relationship with the land as a foundation for ecosystem stewardship. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21(6), 282-288. link
Donlan C.J., M.G. Sorice, F.J. Contreras-Drey, R. Oyanedel, M.I. Ávila-Thieme, and S. Gelcich. 2022. Restaurateurs’ context, decisions, and views on supporting sustainable seafood: Insights from Chile. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:1009130. link
Frensley, B.T., M.J. Stern, R.B. Powell, and M.G. Sorice. 2022. Investigating the relationships among students basic psychological needs, engagement, and environmental literacy at a residential environmental education center. The Journal of Environmental Education 53 (4), 186-198. link
Hemby, T., M. Stern, M.G. Sorice, and S. Prisley. 2022. Exploring the Role of Community-Level Factors in the Adoption of Conservation Easements: A Virginia Case Study. Society & Natural Resources, 1-21. link
*Rajala, K. and M.G. Sorice. 2022. Sense of place on the range: Landowner place meanings, place attachment, and well-being in the Southern Great Plains. Rangelands 44(5), 353-367. link
Sorice, M.G., K. Rajala*, and D. Toledo. 2022. Private landowners and the facilitation of an invasive species. Rangelands 44(5), 345-352. link
Ward, N.K., M.G. Sorice, M.S. Reynolds, K.C. Weathers, W. Weng, C.C. Carey. 2022. Can interactive data visualizations promote waterfront best management practices? Lake and Reservoir Management 38 (1), 95-108. link
*Grupper, M. A., M. G. Sorice, M. J. Stern and M. E. Schreiber. 2021. Evaluating determinants of social trust in water utilities: implications for building resilient water systems. Ecology and Society 26 (4):41. [online] URL: https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol26/iss4/art41/
*Grupper, M.A., M.E. Schreiber, and M.G. Sorice, M.G., 2021. How Perceptions of Trust, Risk, Tap Water Quality, and Salience Characterize Drinking Water Choices. Hydrology, 8(1), p.49. link (open-access)
*Rajala, K., M.G. Sorice, D. Toledo. 2021. Gatekeepers of transformation: private landowners evaluate invasives based on impacts to ecosystem services. Ecosphere, 12:e03652. link
*Santo, A.R., Donlan, C.J., Hagen, C.A., Luque, G.M. and Sorice, M.G., 2020. Characteristics and motivations of participants and nonparticipants in an at-risk species conservation program. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 26(3):293-301. link
Sorice, M.G., C.J. Donlan, A.R. Santo*, G.M. Luque, C.A. Hagen. 2021. Exploring pathways to participation in an at-risk species conservation program. Conservation Science and Practice, e489. link
Barnes, J.C., M. Sketch, A.R. Gramza, M.G. Sorice, R. Iovanna, A.A..Dayer, 2020. Land use decisions after the Conservation Reserve Program: Re‐enrollment, reversion, and persistence in the southern Great Plains. Conservation Science & Practice. link
*Fitchett, L.L., Sorice, M.G., Cobourn, K.M., Boyle, K.J., Klug, J.L. and Weathers, K.C., 2020. Pathways to enhanced lake integrity: A Framework to assess the effectiveness of local lake associations. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management, 25(2), pp.258-268. link
Henson, V.R.; Cobourn, K.M.; Weathers, K.C.; Carey, C.C.; Farrell, K.J.; Klug, J.L.; Sorice, M.G.; Ward, N.K.; Weng, W. A 2020. Practical Guide for Managing Interdisciplinary Teams: Lessons Learned from Coupled Natural and Human Systems Research. Social Sciences, 9, 119. link
*Rajala, K., Sorice, M.G. and Thomas, V.A., 2020. The meaning (s) of place: Identifying the structure of sense of place across a social–ecological landscape. People and Nature, 2(3). link
*Santo, A.R., C.J.Donlan, C.A. Hagen, G.M. Luque, and M.G. Sorice 2020. Characteristics and motivations of participants and nonparticipants in an at-risk species conservation program, Human Dimensions of Wildlife. link
Ward, N.K., *L. Fitchett, J.A. Hart, L. Shu, J. Stachelek, W. Weng, Y. Zhang et al., 2019. Integrating fast and slow processes is essential for simulating human–freshwater interactions. Ambio, 48(10), pp.1169-1182. link
Wilcox, B. P., A. Birt, S. Archer, S. D. Fuhlendorf, U. P. Kreuter, M. G. Sorice, W. J. D. Van Leeuwen, C. B. Zou. 2018. Viewing woody plant encroachment through a social-ecological lens. Bioscience, 68(9): 691-705. link
Cobourn, K. M. et al. 2018. From concept to practice to policy: modeling coupled natural and human systems in lake catchments. Ecosphere 9(5): e02209. link
Sorice, M.G., *K. Rajala, and U.P. Kreuter. 2018. Understanding management decisions of absentee landowners: More than just presence-absence. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 71(2): 159-162. link
Sorice M.G., C. J. Donlan, K. J. Boyle, W. Xu, and S. Gelcich. 2018. Scaling participation in payments for ecosystem services programs. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0192211. link to full text
*Santo, A., K. Guillozet*, M.G. Sorice, T.D. Baird, S.A. Gray, C.J. Donlan and C.B. Anderson. 2017. Examining private landowners’ knowledge systems of invasive species. Human Ecology, 45(4): 449-462. link
*Hurst, K., C. P. Ramsdell*, and M. G. Sorice. 2017. A life course approach to understanding social drivers of rangeland conversion. Ecology and Society, 22(1):19. link
*Ramsdell, P. R., M. G. Sorice, A. Dwyer. 2016. Using financial incentives to motivate conservation of an at-risk species on private lands. Environmental Conservation, 43: 34-44. link
Lewis, A.L., T.D. Baird, and M.G. Sorice. 2016. Mobile Phone Use and Human–Wildlife Conflict in Northern Tanzania. Environmental management, 58:117-129. link
Sorice, M., & Donlan, C. J. 2015. A human-centered framework for innovation in conservation incentive programs. Ambio, 44: 788-792.
*Santo, A., Sorice, M.G., Donlan, C.J., Franck, C.T., Anderson, C.A. 2015. A human-centered approach to designing invasive species eradication programs on human- inhabited islands. Global Environmental Change 35: 289-298.
Berg, M. D., Sorice, M. G., Wilcox, B. P., Angerer, J. P., Rhodes, E. C., & Fox, W. E. 2015. Demographic changes drive woody plant cover trends—An example from the Great Plains. Rangeland Ecology & Management 68(4): 315-321.
Sorice, M.G., and T. Abel. 2015. A landowner-centered approach to obtaining participation in pre-compliance conservation programs. In Proactive strategies for protecting species: Pre-listing conservation and the Endangered Species Act, ed. C.J. Donlan, 105–114. Oakland: University of California Press.
Gartner, T., C. J. Donlan, M. G. Sorice, J. Mulligan, M. Sniekus, and R. Johnson. 2015. The gopher tortoise, military readiness, and pre-listing conservation. In Proactive strategies for protecting species: Pre-listing conservation and the Endangered Species Act, ed. C.J. Donlan, 105–114. Oakland: University of California Press.
Sorice, M. G., U. P. Kreuter, B. P. Wilcox, and W. E. Fox III. 2014. Changing landowners, changing ecosystem? Land-ownership motivations as drivers of land management practices. Journal of Environmental Management 133: 144-152.
Toledo, D., U. P. Kreuter, M. G. Sorice, and C. A. Taylor Jr. 2014. The role of prescribed burn associations in the application of prescribed fires in rangeland ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Management 132: 323-328.
Oh, C. O., Sutton, S. G., and Sorice, M. G. 2013. Assessing the role of recreation specialization in fishing site substitution. Leisure Sciences 35(3): 256-272.
Sorice, M. G., T. Gartner, M. Snieckus, R. Johnson, and C. J. Donlan. 2013. Increasing participation in incentive programs for biodiversity conservation. Ecological Applications 23(5):1146-1155.
Toledo, D., M. G. Sorice, U. P. Kreuter. 2013. Social and ecological factors influencing attitudes towards the application of high intensity prescribed burns to restore fire adapted grassland ecosystems. Ecology & Society 18(4):9.
Open access
Sorice, M. G. 2012. Retooling the traditional approach to studying the belief–attitude relationship: Explaining landowner buy-in to incentive programs. Society & Natural Resources 25(5): 499-512.
Sorice, M. G. 2012. Transforming manatee tourism into ecotourism. Essay in International Strategies for Manatee and Dugong Conservation (p. 28), edited by E. Hines, J. E. Reynolds III, L. V. Aragones, A. A. Mignucci-Giannoni and M. Marmontel. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida Press.
Wilcox, B. P., M. G. Sorice, J. Angerer, and C. Wright. 2012. Historical changes in stocking densities on Texas rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management 65(3): 313-317.
Sorice, M. G., J. R. Conner, U. P. Kreuter, and R. Neal Wilkins. 2012. Centrality of the ranching/farming lifestyle and attitudes toward a voluntary incentive program to protect endangered species. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 65(2): 144-152.
Sorice, M. G., U. P. Kreuter, B. P. Wilcox, and W. E. Fox III. 2012. Classifying land-ownership motivations in central, Texas, USA: A first step in understanding drivers of large-scale land cover change. Journal of Arid Environments 80: 56-64.
Toledo, D. T., U. P. Kreuter, M. G. Sorice, and C.A. Taylor Jr. 2012. To burn or not to burn: Balancing ecological restoration, ranch economics, and liability concerns. Rangelands 34(2): 18-23.
Martin, L.E., M. G. Sorice, U. P. Kreuter. 2011. Understanding and influencing urban residents’ knowledge about wildland management in Austin, Texas. Urban Ecosystems 1-19 DOI: 10.1007/s11252-011-0177-4.
Sorice, M. G., W. Haider, J. R. Conner, and R. B. Ditton. 2011. Incentive structure and private landowner participation in an endangered species conservation program. Conservation Biology 25: 587-596:
Wilcox, B. P., M. G. Sorice, and M. Young. 2011. Dryland ecohydrology in the anthropocene. Geography Compass 5(3): 112-127.
Wilcox-Moore, K., U. P. Kreuter, M. G. Sorice, and C. Brannstrom. 2011. The Influence of Socioeconomic Status and Fuelwood Access on Domestic Fuelwood Use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Latin American Geography 10(2): 195-216.
Oh, C., M. G. Sorice, and R. B. Ditton. 2010. Exploring Progression along the Recreation Specialization Continuum Using a Latent Growth Approach. Leisure Sciences 33(1): 15-31.
Sorice, M. G. and J. R. Conner. 2010. Predicting landowner intentions to enroll in an incentive program to protect endangered species. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 15(2):77-89.
Lai, P., M. G. Sorice, S. K. Nepal, & C. Cheng. 2009. Integrating social marketing into sustainable resource management at Padre Island National Seashore: An attitude-based segmentation approach. Environmental Management 43(6):985-998.
Sorice, M. G., C. Oh, R. B. Ditton. 2009. Applying a self-classification measure of recreation specialization to examine scuba diver preferences for marine protected area management. Leisure Sciences 31(2):107-123.
Sorice, M. G., C. Oh, R. B. Ditton. 2007. Managing scuba divers to meet ecological goals for coral reef conservation. Ambio 36(4):316-322.
Sorice, M. G., R. O. Flamm, and S. L. McDonald. 2007. Factors influencing behavior in a boating speed zone. Coastal Management 35(2-3):357-374.
Sorice, M. G., C. S. Shafer, and R. B. Ditton. 2006. Managing endangered species within the use-preservation paradox: The Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) as a tourism attraction. Environmental Management 37(1):69-83.
Sorice, M. G., C. S. Shafer, and D. Scott. 2003. Managing endangered species within the use/preservation paradox: Understanding and defining harassment of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus). Coastal Management 31(4):319-338.